Monday, November 5, 2007

Like Mother Like Daughter

Megs and I were chatting online earlier today and had little talk that reminded me of a conversation that FFIL had with FMIL. And I quote from FFIL's "Phonetically Speaking" post (July 27, 2007)...

I received a phone call at work today.

So, I was thinking.


Since, I'm about to turn 50 and my name has 5 letters in it, we can start to celebrate early. We can go out to eat each night at a restaurant that starts with the letters of my name. We'll start with "C" and we can go to Chili's. Then tomorrow we can go to Applebee's for "A", next would be Kneader's for "N"…

Excuse me. I hate to burst your bubble of excitement, but doesn't Kneader's start with a "K"?

Loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong silence — like the "K".

I go on. You could change the spelling of your name. C-A-Kn-D-Y. The "K" could be silent.

Okay, forget it.
[End Quote]

So alas, here's the conversation that I had with Megs online today...


Meghan: hey what u.s state starts with an H?

me: hawaii, why?

Meghan: oh duh! I couldn't think of one


Meghan: LOL, all I could think of was new hampshire

me: ok then, name a state that starts with an r

rhode island, YOU BUM. I promise you i'm not as dumb as you think i am

hehehehe just checking... ok now a state that starts with a p.


yeah, philadelphia is a great state huh? that's where pittsburgh is isn't it? pittsburgh, philadelphia, right?

Meghan: me hate you
[End Quote]

Wow... the striking similarities :)


Megs said...
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Megs said...

You're DEAD! That's soooo not how the conversation went....and yes I admit AT FIRST I typed Philadelphia but only because I'm icky sick and my brain-hand coordination isn't working quite up to speed. I was HONESTLY thinking Pennsylvania but somehow it came out Philadelphia. Dumb sickness. oh man! Wait til you come over are so cruisin' for a bruisin' for teasing a widdle sick girl!!

cori said...

Kody - I can credit Meghan's mistake to being sick, but it's too bad because I could use a buddy. I say dumber stuff than that all the time...especially when it comes to geography. Ask Kimball...or don't...

cs said...

if you go home for thanksgiving will you bring me back some dirt?

cs said...

Knew post, please:)