Monday, September 14, 2009

The Pack Is Back! (And so is my high blood pressure)

The Packers started off the 2009 season last night with a tense 21-15 win over da Bears. The game was close throughout and so intense, I wasn't sure if I was gonna make it to the end, but thankfully, with just over a minute left, our boy A-Rod hit Jennings on a 50-yard TD pass for the win! Needless to say, Megs and I nearly burned the house down as we burst into celebration!

What's really funny though, is that I'm not entirely sure that I was the most nervous or engaged viewer in our home!

Megs was sporting her styling #80 Donald Driver jersey and said numerous times during the game,

"Arg, I can't take this! Please win Green Bay... Please win, I won't be able to sleep if we lose!"

How beautiful, the words of a true Packers fan. I love that little girl.

In case you missed it (and if you did don't tell me because I will dis-own you as a family member, friend, or human being), here are the highlights.

Go Pack Go!

Ps. I am absolutely convinced that the awesome new sign we bought to put up on game days helped the Packers win... Ok maybe not, but it looks SAWEET in our house!


Anonymous said...

Poor Aaron was so disappointed that he had to go to bed at halftime (schoolnight and it was after 9pm here), but he tried to stay awake and listen to the game on the radio...fell his first words this morning were: Did the Packers win?
BTW, we don't have a cool Packers sign like Kody, but we did eat football sundaes during the game :)
Go Pack Go! Kristi

Mum said...

OK, so I didn't watch the game...but I did walk past Grandma's room and caught glimpses of her, green towel in hand, jumping up and down on her bed cheering the Pack on...does that count??? (And anyway, you can't disown ME...that's MY ace in the hole if you don't shape don't want to stop receiving all those cool forwards, do you? XO

Megs said...

1. I really and truly LOATHE Baby Cutler. Is that bad?! :0)
2. I was UBER nervous...but...I'm pretty sure I never once said I would lose sleep over it. ;0)
3. I did however repeat over and over..."please, please, please, please, please let them win..."
4. I heart the packers...and I {more importantly} heart you!!!


Dunns said...

Yeeeeaaaaahhhhhhh!!!! GREAT start to the season... uber stressful game... thank you Packers! GO Pack GO!!