Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Favre's on Letterman, and In The Game!

Last Thursday night, Brett made an appearance on the the Late Show with Dave Letterman on CBS. It was awesome! Here's his interview in case you missed it!

Was that the best Late Show or what?!?! Shucks I sure do love that guy. And in case you missed it, at the end of the clip, Letterman showed the cover for the new Madden NFL 09 video game with Brett Favre as the cover athlete! What an awesome tribute to a true legend of the game.

Here's an interview that (a video game website) had with Brett...

And for good measure, the first gameplay video of Madden 09, which ends with Brett throwing a touchdown! (Could it really end any other way? I mean honestly...)

If I can't watch Brett play anymore, I'll at least get to play as him on Madden! The game comes out August 12th, so let the countdown begin!!


Megs said...

I totally called it!! :)

Ya know Kod, we've got to find a way to meet that man! :)

cs said...

I heard Baskin and Robbins has a new Brett Favre flavor of ice cream, too. It's called Brett Brickle. I will buy some soon and we can try it.