I love new beginnings for a myriad of reasons. Like most people, I enjoy the excitement of new opportunities that present themselves and the hope of a better future. At the same time, I also enjoy the endings that must necessarily precedeeach new beginning as well.
The summer is over, and thus for Megs and I, it's time to look life square in the face, and punch it right between the eyes. School is starting up again and while I am not excited about the prospect of doing homework, going to class, readings, etc.... I am pumped up for the opportunity to rock my classes this semester. I really want to get after it; it's me against the man; my own "rage against the machine" if you will.
In addition, Megs and I moved into a new apartment this week, and it is amazing. I liked it before we moved into it, but I am absolutely in love with it now. It's more than double the size of our last place, a lot newer and nicer, and in a better neighborhood (east Orem as opposed to south Provo). I won't go list all our new amenities and give you a virtual tour of the place though... But you can be sure to expect that soon, so keep checking Megs' blog.
These things are all very exciting for me, however in addition to our new future prospects of school and a new apartment, it is at these times in life that I enjoy looking back and relishing the good (and not-so-good) moments of the time that just ended.
I had a marvelous time with GEICO this summer, and will certainly miss it. I enjoyed delving into the corporate world for a few months and staying away from professors and homework in the process. It was quote the learning experience, and was probably the most productive summer I've had in a long while... (minus of course the summer where I roped Megs into marrying me, that was pretty eventful too). I can look back with my head held high and know that I did a really good job there, and no one can take that away from me.
Moving away from Megs' parents' house is bittersweet to a certain degree. We are obviously so grateful to them for letting us stay with them for the summer (mostly Megs since I was gone for 8 weeks) and for taking such great care of us. It was a blast living with Belle Ma, Father Sir and J-Dizzle... especially Belle Ma though because she was always cooking up something fierce.
Sometimes I wonder if I enjoy each new beginning more for the opportunity to look back upon whatever period had just ended... perhaps that's a bad thing, perhaps not. I would suppose that it's a similar feeling to graduating high school, that refreshing relief of having accomplished something and knowing that it's over. Or at least that's what I've been told by people who actually have graduated.
Have you ever heard an athlete talk about winning a championship and they say something to the effect of; "No one can take this away from us!" I think Steve Young said that after he won the Super Bowl with the 49ers back in 1994. I've always understood what they meant, but thought it was more just media-speak, one of the old cliches like, "It it what it is", or "We're taking it one game at a time."
If I were to win a championship though, I think that's exactly what I would say as well. What does that really mean? It means, I did something really great. Something that I worked at for a long time and really tried hard to do my best to succeed. And I did it, and no matter what happens from now on, nothing can change that.
Wow. When broken down, that phrase really holds it own weight.
Now that school is starting and we're "back in the saddle", I guess I should look forward and focus on the things that I'm starting... but gosh, it is nice to think about the things that I've finished.
Endnote: Megs has started an online craft store and it's looking really good! Check it out at allthingscraftystore.etsy.com today! I'm so proud of you wife!
Thursday, August 27, 2009
New Beginnings... and Endings
Posted by Kodison at 1:04 PM 2 comments
I'm Quitting Work and School...
It's official. I'm quitting work as of today. I'm also withdrawing from school this semester, never to return.
Instead, I'm devoting myself to the home, and I'm going to be "Kody the House-husband".
Because Megs just started an online craft store, and she's gonna hit it big!
Check it out here at all things crafty store.
So, since she'll be making millions, I'm planning on staying home with the kids, cooking, cleaning, etc...
I'm off to do the laundry!
Posted by Kodison at 10:17 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
The Prodigal Son Has... No, Scratch That...
Tuesday, August 18th, 2009. A day that will live in infamy.
Sure, some may argue that Packerland lost Brett last year when he went to New York...
He was just having one last hurrah on broadway. Shucks, we all knew it would just be one year;
easy to forget, easy to forgive.
Then all this talk of going to Minnesota came up, and I got scared that my boy Brett would be donning the purple and yellow this fall. Thankfully, a few weeks ago he told those Viqueens that he wasn't gonna play for 'em though. It was just a fun idea he was playing around with, nothing serious;
easy to forget, easy to forgive.
And then today happened.
Speechless. Emotionless. I'm numb.
All I can think of is the immortal words of The Godfather:
You broke my heart Brett. You broke my heart.
Posted by Kodison at 9:43 PM 1 comments
Monday, August 17, 2009
A Paradigm Shift in the Blogosphere
In 1962, Thomas Kuhn authored The Structure of Scientific Revolution, and fathered, defined and popularized the concept of "paradigm shift." While widely used today, if you aren't familiar with the term, think of it as a change from one way of thinking to another. It's a revolution, a transformation, a sort of metamorphosis. It does not just happen, but rather it is driven by agents of change.
Perhaps that is why I'm having such a difficult time starting this post. You see, recently I've been struggling to blog on a consistent basis (as I'm sure you're well aware), and after much self-reflection I believe to have discovered why. While suggestions, critiques and feedback from others can be valuable to one who is looking to improve or change for the better, often it is the honest, unabashed self-evaluations that prove to be the most effective proponents of change.
As a result of all the change that's been going on during the last few months (end of school, moving, internship in Tucson, missing the wife, vacation, family reunion, etc.), my blog has become more of a travel log/diary than anything. While that is all fine-and-well, it has ceased being a rewarding outlet of expression, instead turning into a taxing chore. Looking back, I blogged most actively when doing movie reviews, talking about my favorite hobbies, things that drive me crazy or why I love my Megs.
Therefore the travel log must end, and the blogging must start once again! This will not be an easy process, nor a painless one at that, however in order to protect the integrity of this blog and my cyber-sanity, it must be done.
Megs is a stronger blogger than I am, and she does a fantastic job of documenting where we're going, what we're doing, etc... so if you wish to keep up with all that, then keep up with her here. As for me, I can't do it. I won't do it.
Every time I sit down to write to the world, I am met with the same burdensome challenge; one whose consequences shape the very essence of my attempt to project my person to you readers.
I must blog my life, rather than blogging about it.
Paradigm shifted.
bt-dubs: Speaking of the amazing things that Megs is up to. Do you remember that craft giveaway contest she did a while back? Well if you haven't heard, she finished all the prizes and mailed them to the winners. Check out her craft blog, megscraft.blogspot.com, to see what she made!
Posted by Kodison at 10:41 PM 2 comments