Saturday, May 30, 2009

Sweating It in Tucson

So, that's it. I'm here. I left Megs in Orem yesterday and began the trek to southern Arizona for my internship with GEICO.

Megs gave me new shades for the roadtrip!

I had some really big butterflies before leaving yesterday morning, and I just wanted to go and get it over with. The goodbyes were tearful and really sad, but we toughed it out and managed to go our separate ways (which mightve been the hardest part of the entire thing). It took me almost 10 hours to cover the 610 miles from Orem to Kurt and Stacey's place in Phoenix, but the scenery was really pretty. I crossed the Grand Canyon at Navajo Bridge, which made the first half of the drive much more enjoyable. After that however, things were pretty grim until I made it to the Staples' in Peoria.

Kodison's knees shaking on the Navajo Bridge

Kurt and Stacey were kind enough to let me crash their place last night and it was SO much fun. First off, lemme say that their 5 little girls are ridiculously adorable. I needed introductions just to recognize them all! I loved getting mobbed by them and playing around! Also, it must be said that Kurt and Stacey's house is gorgeous. It's a sweet crib, ferreal. And one more thing about staying in Phoenix; Stacey made lemon and rosemary chicken... oh my lanta, it was so good.

Cheesing with the girls!

The cutest baby this side of the Grand Canyon

I took off from Peoria this morning and drove 2.5 hours to Tucson, and moved into my apartment!

I passed the University of Phoenix Stadium (home of the Arizona Cardinals) on my way to Tucson. Cool!

It's a small 2 bedroom, 2 bathroom apartment, but the A/C is amazing and I'm actually using a blanket as our place is so cold (I love it). Don't let that fool you though, it is crazy-hot here. The thermometer read over 100 this afternoon and believe me, I felt it. It's really comfortable during the night though, so as long as I can stay inside during the day, I'll hopefully survive.

My roomate is another intern at the GEICO office here in Tucson. Get this. His name is Cody and he goes to the University of Wisconsin in Madison! Can you believe that? What are the odds... I hear the confusion at the office already.

"Hey, go get K(C)ody."

"Which one?"

"The intern."

"Which intern named K(C)ody?"

"The one from Wisconsin."


I'm prepping myself to being referred to as "the tall one". Shucks.

Anyways, he's a really nice kid and we get seem to get along alright. We went shopping tonight to get groceries and passed by the GEICO office where we'll be working. I'm about done unpacking and ready to go to bed early. I am so tired.

I'll have more pictures up tomorrow when I get back from church so be sure to check-in here on the blog to see my apartment! For now, you can check out the website for my apartment complex here.

I'll finish tonight by saying that I miss my wife. So. Much. I knew I was going to miss her... I was sad to leave and I missed her all day yesterday and today. Tonight however, after getting a little settled into my apartment and everything, I really miss her. I won't lie, I'm feeling a bit depressed being here without her, but I know I'll be seeing her again soon enough and I am really looking forward to it. I miss you Megs.


Dad Staples said...

Welcome to the land of being in the frying pan all the time. Keep a look out at all times for A/C buildings, cars, shops, stores, offices, and any other place that you can get out of the heat. However it does save money if you fry your eggs on the side walks!!!So happy you made it with out problems and Kurt, Stacey and the girls loved having you there. You and Megs are in our prayers and we all know that you will enjoy this experience with Geico. What a grand opportunity for you to see the inside of a business and how it works. Especially at this stage of your education. Sleep tight and let us know your address.

Dunns said...

What an exciting trip! I know things look slightly bleak right now (geez, you didn't have to make me tear up at the end there...!!) but it will get better! Your love spans any distance (cue the violins) and once this is all said and done, you'll be amazed at what a tiny 'blip' on the screen of life this ended up to be. Let us know if we can do anything for you or Megs. WE LOVE YOU! So proud of you!!

Sonja said...

So when are you making a run for the border? Just watch out for chickens south of the border...can be bad.

Hope you enjoy it and we'll be thinking of you tomorrow. I expect to see pictures of you with the gecko!