Happy Birthday to the best Grandma in the WORLD!!
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Happy Birthday Grandma!
Posted by Kodison at 7:22 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
We're in the Money!
When Megs set up her online craft store I joked that I was going to quit work and school and "stay home with the kiddies". Well, now it's official, cuz Megs made her first sale!
That's right folks! She sold this Packers onesie this past week to some lady in California!
Congrats Megs! Thanks for bringing home the bacon!
Check out the All Things Crafty Store today before everything sells out!
Posted by Kodison at 9:09 PM 1 comments
Monday, September 14, 2009
The Pack Is Back! (And so is my high blood pressure)
The Packers started off the 2009 season last night with a tense 21-15 win over da Bears. The game was close throughout and so intense, I wasn't sure if I was gonna make it to the end, but thankfully, with just over a minute left, our boy A-Rod hit Jennings on a 50-yard TD pass for the win! Needless to say, Megs and I nearly burned the house down as we burst into celebration!
What's really funny though, is that I'm not entirely sure that I was the most nervous or engaged viewer in our home!
Megs was sporting her styling #80 Donald Driver jersey and said numerous times during the game,
"Arg, I can't take this! Please win Green Bay... Please win, I won't be able to sleep if we lose!"
How beautiful, the words of a true Packers fan. I love that little girl.
In case you missed it (and if you did don't tell me because I will dis-own you as a family member, friend, or human being), here are the highlights.
Go Pack Go!
Ps. I am absolutely convinced that the awesome new sign we bought to put up on game days helped the Packers win... Ok maybe not, but it looks SAWEET in our house!
Posted by Kodison at 12:37 PM 4 comments
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Worth a Thousand Words...
After getting home from church today, I started up my computer, logged on to the ESPN.com home page and was greeted by this...Watching BYU beat Oklahoma last night on national television was the most exciting game I've seen in a long time! It was up-and-down, back-and-forth for all four quarters and came down to a late touchdown that clinched the 14-13 upset for the Cougs. Yes, yes, yes!
I usually prefer watching football with family and friends, however because of some extenuating circumstances, all my friends were out of town and Megs had to work, leaving me all by my lonesome in front of the TV. It's said that a person shows their true colors when no one is watching... that same saying rings true for sports fans too!
I was yelling and screaming, jumping around, banging my fists and sprinting (literally sprinting) up-and-down our apartment the entire game. Those who have watched a Packers or Cougars game with me know how animated and "into it" I can get, but I was at my best last night...
Go Cougars!
Next up; The Packers host "da Bears" on Sunday Night Football a week from tonight (8 pm EST, on NBC)... Stand clear folks, I'll be running circles around the couch every time A-Rodge and the boys score! And believe me when I say, there will be a lot of running :)
Posted by Kodison at 3:03 PM 3 comments
Thursday, August 27, 2009
New Beginnings... and Endings
I love new beginnings for a myriad of reasons. Like most people, I enjoy the excitement of new opportunities that present themselves and the hope of a better future. At the same time, I also enjoy the endings that must necessarily precedeeach new beginning as well.
The summer is over, and thus for Megs and I, it's time to look life square in the face, and punch it right between the eyes. School is starting up again and while I am not excited about the prospect of doing homework, going to class, readings, etc.... I am pumped up for the opportunity to rock my classes this semester. I really want to get after it; it's me against the man; my own "rage against the machine" if you will.
In addition, Megs and I moved into a new apartment this week, and it is amazing. I liked it before we moved into it, but I am absolutely in love with it now. It's more than double the size of our last place, a lot newer and nicer, and in a better neighborhood (east Orem as opposed to south Provo). I won't go list all our new amenities and give you a virtual tour of the place though... But you can be sure to expect that soon, so keep checking Megs' blog.
These things are all very exciting for me, however in addition to our new future prospects of school and a new apartment, it is at these times in life that I enjoy looking back and relishing the good (and not-so-good) moments of the time that just ended.
I had a marvelous time with GEICO this summer, and will certainly miss it. I enjoyed delving into the corporate world for a few months and staying away from professors and homework in the process. It was quote the learning experience, and was probably the most productive summer I've had in a long while... (minus of course the summer where I roped Megs into marrying me, that was pretty eventful too). I can look back with my head held high and know that I did a really good job there, and no one can take that away from me.
Moving away from Megs' parents' house is bittersweet to a certain degree. We are obviously so grateful to them for letting us stay with them for the summer (mostly Megs since I was gone for 8 weeks) and for taking such great care of us. It was a blast living with Belle Ma, Father Sir and J-Dizzle... especially Belle Ma though because she was always cooking up something fierce.
Sometimes I wonder if I enjoy each new beginning more for the opportunity to look back upon whatever period had just ended... perhaps that's a bad thing, perhaps not. I would suppose that it's a similar feeling to graduating high school, that refreshing relief of having accomplished something and knowing that it's over. Or at least that's what I've been told by people who actually have graduated.
Have you ever heard an athlete talk about winning a championship and they say something to the effect of; "No one can take this away from us!" I think Steve Young said that after he won the Super Bowl with the 49ers back in 1994. I've always understood what they meant, but thought it was more just media-speak, one of the old cliches like, "It it what it is", or "We're taking it one game at a time."
If I were to win a championship though, I think that's exactly what I would say as well. What does that really mean? It means, I did something really great. Something that I worked at for a long time and really tried hard to do my best to succeed. And I did it, and no matter what happens from now on, nothing can change that.
Wow. When broken down, that phrase really holds it own weight.
Now that school is starting and we're "back in the saddle", I guess I should look forward and focus on the things that I'm starting... but gosh, it is nice to think about the things that I've finished.
Endnote: Megs has started an online craft store and it's looking really good! Check it out at allthingscraftystore.etsy.com today! I'm so proud of you wife!
Posted by Kodison at 1:04 PM 2 comments
I'm Quitting Work and School...
It's official. I'm quitting work as of today. I'm also withdrawing from school this semester, never to return.
Instead, I'm devoting myself to the home, and I'm going to be "Kody the House-husband".
Because Megs just started an online craft store, and she's gonna hit it big!
Check it out here at all things crafty store.
So, since she'll be making millions, I'm planning on staying home with the kids, cooking, cleaning, etc...
I'm off to do the laundry!
Posted by Kodison at 10:17 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
The Prodigal Son Has... No, Scratch That...
Tuesday, August 18th, 2009. A day that will live in infamy.
Sure, some may argue that Packerland lost Brett last year when he went to New York...
He was just having one last hurrah on broadway. Shucks, we all knew it would just be one year;
easy to forget, easy to forgive.
Then all this talk of going to Minnesota came up, and I got scared that my boy Brett would be donning the purple and yellow this fall. Thankfully, a few weeks ago he told those Viqueens that he wasn't gonna play for 'em though. It was just a fun idea he was playing around with, nothing serious;
easy to forget, easy to forgive.
And then today happened.
Speechless. Emotionless. I'm numb.
All I can think of is the immortal words of The Godfather:
You broke my heart Brett. You broke my heart.
Posted by Kodison at 9:43 PM 1 comments
Monday, August 17, 2009
A Paradigm Shift in the Blogosphere
In 1962, Thomas Kuhn authored The Structure of Scientific Revolution, and fathered, defined and popularized the concept of "paradigm shift." While widely used today, if you aren't familiar with the term, think of it as a change from one way of thinking to another. It's a revolution, a transformation, a sort of metamorphosis. It does not just happen, but rather it is driven by agents of change.
Perhaps that is why I'm having such a difficult time starting this post. You see, recently I've been struggling to blog on a consistent basis (as I'm sure you're well aware), and after much self-reflection I believe to have discovered why. While suggestions, critiques and feedback from others can be valuable to one who is looking to improve or change for the better, often it is the honest, unabashed self-evaluations that prove to be the most effective proponents of change.
As a result of all the change that's been going on during the last few months (end of school, moving, internship in Tucson, missing the wife, vacation, family reunion, etc.), my blog has become more of a travel log/diary than anything. While that is all fine-and-well, it has ceased being a rewarding outlet of expression, instead turning into a taxing chore. Looking back, I blogged most actively when doing movie reviews, talking about my favorite hobbies, things that drive me crazy or why I love my Megs.
Therefore the travel log must end, and the blogging must start once again! This will not be an easy process, nor a painless one at that, however in order to protect the integrity of this blog and my cyber-sanity, it must be done.
Megs is a stronger blogger than I am, and she does a fantastic job of documenting where we're going, what we're doing, etc... so if you wish to keep up with all that, then keep up with her here. As for me, I can't do it. I won't do it.
Every time I sit down to write to the world, I am met with the same burdensome challenge; one whose consequences shape the very essence of my attempt to project my person to you readers.
I must blog my life, rather than blogging about it.
Paradigm shifted.
bt-dubs: Speaking of the amazing things that Megs is up to. Do you remember that craft giveaway contest she did a while back? Well if you haven't heard, she finished all the prizes and mailed them to the winners. Check out her craft blog, megscraft.blogspot.com, to see what she made!
Posted by Kodison at 10:41 PM 2 comments
Friday, July 10, 2009
The Money You Could Be Saving (Me)...
I've been working at GEICO now for 6 weeks, and finally after getting a closer look at things in "Geckoland", Megs and I have done it...
We've switched to GEICO.
Now you might be wondering; Is it really true? Can 15 minutes really save you 15% or more on car insurance?
Well my friends, Megs and I stand as witnesses... Yes.
We saved over $400 a year by switching from State Farm to GEICO! For us, that's a savings of over 32%!!! Can you believe it?!?! We are SO happy and I was pleasantly surprised that I wasn't just "drinking the kool-aid", and that switching really did work!
Now, I've got some homework for all of you to do.... and don't worry, I'm not trying to hawk you insurance.
But I am trying to make money off you! :)
Here's the deal... For the next 2 weeks only, you can help me and Megs by just calling in and getting a quote, you don't even have to buy anything!
During the next 2 weeks, just call 1-800-947-AUTO (available 24/7), and use the reference number 140396. Then, proceed on to get a free quote over the phone and Megs and I will get $15! Be sure to use the same coverages that you currently have for comparison's sake!
Let me re-emphasize that you do NOT have to buy anything and I really do NOT care if you ever switch or not... Shucks, I'm only here for another 2 weeks anyways!
So if you're feeling giving and would like to contribute to the Meghan-and-Kody-Fund-for-Food-and-Rent, then just call-in using that reference number!
As a "Badge of Honor and Benevolence", I would ask that everyone who does call, please leave a note in the comments letting me know!
NOTE: This only works if you get a quote over the phone. If you go online first and get a quote, then calling-in won't work.
Posted by Kodison at 8:36 PM 5 comments
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
God Bless America!
Wow, things are happening so fast, this blog can barely keep up! Let me do my best...
In my last post, I promised to put up a pic from the pool at the D-backs game, so here it is!
The game was really entertaining (Arizona actually won for a change) and the pool was so much fun! We were there with a bunch of other GEICO employees and it was a total blast!
From there, I managed to survive until the 4th of July weekend, where I made my way up to Utah to spend the holiday with the WIFEY!!!! It was a much-needed 3 days of relaxation and spending time with my girl ;)
I had so much fun being with her family and playing with baby Cate. She is so darn cute! I just wish Kayci hadn't taken Ty to Appleturkey so I could've played with him too!
Reunion side note: Candy is a magician. I kid you not. She made an entire village for all the little cousins to play in and around (of massive cardboard boxes that I got her) and cooked and cooked and cooked... not to mention organized and set up a number of very-well-put-together games, readings and slide shows of her family's history. She is absolutely amazing and I am so blessed to have her as my BelleMa. Also, Father Sir and I hung out for a bit too. Apparently we're BFFs now... cool. :D For more info on the weekend, click here.
But when it was all said-and-done, I came for this...
I'm back to my lonely dregs in Tucson, but stay tuned and don't go far! I've got some GEICO-related news to pass along to all of you and I'll have a little homework for y'all to do too!
Posted by Kodison at 8:18 PM 1 comments
Monday, June 22, 2009
Sanity Returns!... And then departs again
My, my, my... how time flies when you've got a real job. Ok, so it's just an internship, but whatevs... Last time I blogged I was raving about my birfday and how surprisingly good my day was. But let me tell you, things have gotten SO much better since then!
The weekend after my birthday, I drove to Appleturkey and got to spend a couple days with Mum, Dad and Grandma! When I rolled up to the house late Friday night (June 5th), I was greeted with a HUGE birthday cake!
Grandma made me a big yellow birthday cake with chocolate frosting (my favorite!) and even put polka-dots on the sides in Meghan's honor! Is she the best grandma in the world or WHAT?! I got to go to the temple with her and the parentals, out to dinner with Aunt Dianne and Uncle Ken, and even got my car windows tinted! (They look phat...)
After spending my first week in Tucson all alone, it was a much-needed refresher and spending time with the the fam was exactly what I needed.
That said, (Mum, Dad and Grandma, please take no offense at this) but last weekend (June 11-14) was even better! Why?
Because THIS girl came to see me!
Yep, that's right! She came down with Lance, Candy, Kenz and Cate and spent the weekend with me! Megs spent the day at the pool (and got really burned) while I was at work, and then we part-ayed all weekend! We got to go up to Pheonix so I could meet some of Megs' cousins, and so Megs could meet Stacey and the girls! It was great!
Nevermind of course the fact that I forgot a tie and went to church open-collared. Yeah, it was awkward.
We even got to go to the Diamondbacks game Saturday night!
The stadium was awesome and the game was fun, but the best part was just being with the wifey, eventhough I made her mad by getting my Dr. Pepper confiscated upon entering the ballpark... :)
Sunday night was a sad moment however, because Megs had to get back up to Utah and I had work at GEICO Monday morning as well. And so, I'm alone once again.
This last week at work has been crazy. On Thursday, we attended a meeting for newly-hired employees and got to meet the CEO, Tony Nicely!!!!
He is an amazing speaker and it was really neat to talk with him for a few minutes. Later that day, he actually walked-in on one of our meetings! Whodathunkit.... the CEO coming into our meeting! It was a great day.
I went golfing Saturday (and almost died of heat stroke), and then today we gave our first "official" presentation, based on our previous two weeks. It went well, and they gave us Olive Garden for lunch to celebrate!
As you can see, it's full-on here in Tucson and things are heating up, along with the weather! Oh, and one last thing... as a congratulations for our presentation today, the director of claims at the office gave us all tickets to the pool section for the Diamondbacks game up in Phoenix tomorrow! So, I'll apologize in advance if I don't answer my phone tomorrow night; I'll be here...and here!
Thanks for reading! I'll have updates on the pool temp after the game! :)
I miss you Megs!
Posted by Kodison at 8:43 PM 5 comments
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Birthdays... So Easy, A Caveman Can Do It.
Happy Birfday to me! It wasn't the greatest birthday I've ever had... my wife and mom weren't there, so automatically it can't be in the discussion for greatest ever. That said, it was pretty darn good.
I called Megs at midnight last night to sing "Happy Birthday" to her, and she seemed to enjoy it... or at least that's what I translated the snoring to be. Then she called me a few hours later to sing to me as I woke up!
I wasn't sure as to how my day would go, but I knew things were looking up when I got to work and found my cubicle like this!
My supervisor got in early this morning and decorated my desk with banners and everything (the green & gold ribbon was on purpose BTW. She knows I'm a Packer fan and needless to say, I was very impressed), and even dropped off a pink box full of DONUTS! They were the perfect way to start my day!
The presentations we were meant to do this morning were rescheduled, so that was a bit frustrating, but we spent the rest of the day going through applications with the hiring team and I really enjoyed learning how GEICO recruits employees, along with the characteristics and experience that they look for in candidates.
My internship has been nothing short of awesome so far. Everyone is very open and helpful, and the projects that we'll be working on look to be exciting, and give me an opportunity to give meaningful feedback and contribute to the office here. We've spent a lot of time in various training situations (workplace policies, benefits, etc.) but we've had opportunities to meet most of the managers and directors of the office here and even the Assistant VP (The Boss).
My fellow interns are really great people as well. My roommate Cody is from the University of Wisconsin and wished me "Happy Birthday" about 100 times today. He's a great guy and we seem to get along just fine.

The other two interns are really nice girls from the University of Arizona here in Tucson, and Ashland University in Ohio. All three of the other interns are bright and we seem to work well together.
After coming home tonight, I made myself a true feast: chicken alfredo pasta with a garden salad, topped off with "lots o' pulp" orange juice. I'm no fine cuisinier, but I must say, it was hecka good.

And lastly, I of course can't forget... Megs gave me one present to bring down to Tucson, and made me PROMISE not to open until today.
What is it might you ask?
Well, it's written and directed by my favorite actor ever.
Tom Hanks.
And it's a movie that recently, I have been quoting ever-more frequently.
"Off he goes to write his new hit song, Alone In My Principles."
"What are you crazy?! A man in a really nice camper wants to put our song on the radio! Gimme a pen, I'm signin', you're sig- we're all signing!"
"Oh I'm not wit 'dese fellas. I've got a pig in competition over in the livestock pavilion, and I'm gonna WIN that blue ribbon!"
"Well, I like Wisconsin..."
Yep, you guessed it.

So as the clock approaches midnight and the end of yet another June 4th draws nigh... thanks to all who made my birthday special, even though those who are most special to me are far away.
Happy Birthday Megs! I Love You!
Posted by Kodison at 10:07 PM 2 comments
Birthday! Birthday!
Birthdays are so nice, in our family we do them twice! But first...
Make sure you take lots of pictures, eat lots of cake and ice cream, and...
Check in my sock drawer before you leave for work in the morning! (But you can only open half of it before work and you must save the other half for after you come home, so choose wisely)
Happy Birthday Wife! I Love You!
We must also recognize my fabulous Aunt Dianne, who rounds out our "Birthday Trifecta"! She is amazing and I'm looking forward to seeing her soon! *wink *wink
Oh yeah, I heard it's also some kid's birthday down in southern AZ too... whatevs.
PS. To all those who have been waiting on the edge of their seats for the internship blog that never came... it's coming. This week has been NUTS and I've got a big presentation to do tomorrow morning (Happy B-day, right), but tomorrow- I promise.
Posted by Kodison at 12:00 AM 4 comments
Sunday, May 31, 2009
El Apartment
As promised, here's a quick overview of my apartment here in Tucson. I made it to church this morning, as there's a chapel just up the road, but boy oh boy, my car was TOASTY when I came out after the meetings. Thank goodness my apartment (and hopefully work as well) has covered parking. Anyways, here's some pics (and a vid) of my new place.





Here's a video to show you how it all fits together.
This lady being Numero Uno...

If you have any tips, pointers, or books entitled How to Survive Living Away from Your Wife, please leave them in the comments.
Tomorrow is my first day at work and needless to say, I'm a little nervous. I'll post another write-up tomorrow evening describing my first day at GEICO. As always, your thoughts and prayers are much appreciated.
Posted by Kodison at 1:33 PM 2 comments
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Sweating It in Tucson
So, that's it. I'm here. I left Megs in Orem yesterday and began the trek to southern Arizona for my internship with GEICO.
Kurt and Stacey were kind enough to let me crash their place last night and it was SO much fun. First off, lemme say that their 5 little girls are ridiculously adorable. I needed introductions just to recognize them all! I loved getting mobbed by them and playing around! Also, it must be said that Kurt and Stacey's house is gorgeous. It's a sweet crib, ferreal. And one more thing about staying in Phoenix; Stacey made lemon and rosemary chicken... oh my lanta, it was so good.
I took off from Peoria this morning and drove 2.5 hours to Tucson, and moved into my apartment!

It's a small 2 bedroom, 2 bathroom apartment, but the A/C is amazing and I'm actually using a blanket as our place is so cold (I love it). Don't let that fool you though, it is crazy-hot here. The thermometer read over 100 this afternoon and believe me, I felt it. It's really comfortable during the night though, so as long as I can stay inside during the day, I'll hopefully survive.
My roomate is another intern at the GEICO office here in Tucson. Get this. His name is Cody and he goes to the University of Wisconsin in Madison! Can you believe that? What are the odds... I hear the confusion at the office already.
"Hey, go get K(C)ody."
"Which one?"
"The intern."
"Which intern named K(C)ody?"
"The one from Wisconsin."
I'm prepping myself to being referred to as "the tall one". Shucks.
Anyways, he's a really nice kid and we get seem to get along alright. We went shopping tonight to get groceries and passed by the GEICO office where we'll be working. I'm about done unpacking and ready to go to bed early. I am so tired.
I'll have more pictures up tomorrow when I get back from church so be sure to check-in here on the blog to see my apartment! For now, you can check out the website for my apartment complex here.
I'll finish tonight by saying that I miss my wife. So. Much. I knew I was going to miss her... I was sad to leave and I missed her all day yesterday and today. Tonight however, after getting a little settled into my apartment and everything, I really miss her. I won't lie, I'm feeling a bit depressed being here without her, but I know I'll be seeing her again soon enough and I am really looking forward to it. I miss you Megs.
Posted by Kodison at 8:52 PM 3 comments
Monday, May 25, 2009
Memorial Day
Happy Memorial Day! What originally started as a day to honor Union soldiers who had fallen in battle during the Civil War, Memorial Day here in America is a time for everyone who enjoys the blessings of freedom to honor and remember ALL the men and women who have given their lives in the service of our country.
I can not begin to relate to the dedication and sacrifice of the men and women who have died in battle; nor to their families who's great losses overshadow any hardships that I have endured.
As anything that I might say would likely resound empty or somewhat meaningless, in light of the my own personal experiences, I feel that the words of President Abraham Lincoln, written to a Mrs. Baxby of Boston (as quoted in Saving Private Ryan), better emulate my feelings of gratitude and indebtedness on this day.
"Dear Madam: I have been shown in the files of the War Department a statement of the Adjutant-General of Massachusetts that you are the mother of five sons who have died gloriously on the field of battle. I feel how weak and fruitless must be any words of mine which should attempt to beguile you from the grief of a loss so overwhelming. But I cannot refrain from tendering to you the consolation that may be found in the thanks of the Republic they died to save. I pray that our heavenly Father may assuage the anguish of your bereavement, and leave you only the cherished memory of the loved and lost, and the solemn pride that must be yours to have laid so costly a sacrifice upon the altar of freedom. Yours very sincerely and respectfully, Abraham Lincoln."
I hope that somewhere, in some way, my heartfelt adulation and love will be felt by all those whom we honor this day. And to all the men and women currently serving in the military around the world today, who will likely never read my words, or the words of millions of other Americans...
We thank you.
We love you.
God bless you.
Posted by Kodison at 6:03 PM 0 comments
Slippin' and Slidin'!
Anywho, enough about them, onto the Slip 'N Slide! ;) I remember the Crocodile Mile that we had back in Packerland, and thought that thing was the coolest. Mainly because all my older siblings played on it and had fun, therefore, I automatically thought that it was cool.
Aside: Really, I came to the frightening conclusion a few years ago, during a conversation with Kimball, that my persona was simply a mish-mash conglomeration of everything that my older brothers and sisters thought was cool and their preferences. For instance, my favorite color (powder/sky blue) and numbers (2, 11, 12, 17) were already Kimball's when he was younger. My least-favorite foods growing up (mushrooms, bananas)? Already taken. Or what about my favorite hobbies and sports (football, baseball, basketball, tennis, golf)? Well, you can bet that at least one of my siblings played it in high school. And if Megs ever gets mad at me for playing video games? Blame my techie older bros for that. Heck, my whole allergy (and fear of) bees stems from an incident where Kimball locked me out of the house and made me run though an ENTIRE HIVE of like, 400 hornets! Thankfully, I'll finally become my own person and escape the shadows of my older brothers when I graduate from BYU next year... Wait.
Back to the Slip 'N Slide... so Megs and I decided to bust it out this afternoon and her mom was in the back yard with us to film the event!
- 16 feet is no where NEAR as long as it used to be. Holy smokes, my face was splashing into the "pool" at the end before my feet even hit the tarp!
- The inflatable "boogies" are useless. In the 2000's, they give you little inflatable, wannabe boogie boards to slide on. The things are as big as one of my pectoral muscles and equally as flimsy. Whenever I tried using one it felt as if I has just slid over a small woodland creature... who did NOT want to be there.
- Either my attention span has shortened significantly or my mind has been refined to enjoy more mature activities (please be the latter), but after going down the Slip 'N Slide 3 times, I was ready to call it quits. Not because it wasn't fun, but because I had to do an Army-style "Up-Down" getting off if I didn't want to faceplant into the fence in the backyard.
When it was all said and done, the Slip 'N Slide was a huge success (when accounting for inflation)! We can't wait to get Megs' one year-old neice out there for her first SNS experience!
Thanks to the Dunns who rocked yet another gift! We can't wait to bust out the snocone maker next! :)
Posted by Kodison at 5:30 PM 4 comments
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Sumo-sized Birthday!
Yesterday, the Wife and I went up to Syracuse to celebrate the birthday of our good friend, Angee. Happy Birthday Ange! There was some great food (thanks Craig!), trampolining and basketball. The main event however, was of-all-things.... SUMO WRESTLING! Angee's husband Craig rented some sumo suits and so we had a big tournament! I was going to post all the pics here, but wouldn't-ya-know-it, Megs beat me to it, so go here to check out the pics and videos of the action!
Here's a sneak peak to whet your appetite!
Posted by Kodison at 8:46 PM 1 comments
Layci and the Ty-man
Megs and I had the treat of being visited this past Thursday by Kayci and Tyler! We had SO MUCH fun. Ty was asleep when they arrived, so he got a little freaked out when he woke up and saw my ugly mug instead of "Mommy", but he calmed down after a while and got used to his surroundings.
To all of you who haven't met Ty (or who have but don't get to see him very often), you are in for a TREAT when the family reunion comes around. He is such a fun, happy baby with the biggest, toothless grin you'll ever see! :)
Posted by Kodison at 12:58 PM 2 comments
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
"Dance"board Confessional
Gosh darnit.
Ok... I'll admit, I'm kinda excited too.
Posted by Kodison at 11:16 AM 4 comments
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Movie Review: Angels & Demons
Megs and I accompanied her family to the movies yesterday to see Angels & Demons, the new Tom Hanks movie based on Dan Brown's latest novel of the same name. Read on for my thoughts.
Plot/Storyline: 5 out of 5 The Pope has just passed away, and at this crucial moment, the Catholic Church is under attack by one of its oldest enemies, the mythical Illuminati. Vatican officials call upon Prof. Robert Langdon to stave off a danger that could bring the entire church to its knees.
Acting: 5 out of 5 It's well documented that Tom Hanks is my favorite actor of all time, so for that reason alone, I couldn't give the acting anything less than a 5. Even without my actor BFF, Ewan McGregor did an amazing job, as did the main actress in the film (I don't remember her name but she played a "bad guy" in the movie Vantage Point).
Kid Friendly: 2 out of 5 Don't let this low rating fool you; there's hardly any profanity, or adult scenes to be found, however there are some pretty gross parts of people getting hurt or killed. It's not as gory as a halloween horror movie, but there are some disturbing images for sure. I'd suggest leaving the kids at home for that reason alone, unless they (and you) don't mind and are at least decently into their teenage years.
Overall: 5 out of 5 The storyline really takes you for a ride in this 2 hr 20 min flick, and keeps you on the edge of your seat with exciting action. Even with some fun action moments, the real star of the film is the intellectual chase depicted. Pay attention to detail and don't let your mind wander too far off, as some things aren't as they seem, while others seem as they are. Minus the few moments of mild graphic injury, this film is a home run. If you can't find anyone to go with you, give me a call... I'd see it again in a heartbeat and will definitely be buying Angels & Demons on Blu-ray.
Posted by Kodison at 5:58 PM 0 comments
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Becoming a BYU Student...
To think that I've attended the Y for 3 straight years and completed a total of 98 credits, and yet last night, I finally became a true BYU student. That's right, last night I hiked up the 1.2 mile path to the Y; my first-ever trek up Y Mountain. Why has it taken me so long?
Because I don't like the idea of a big letter on the hill? No. Even though the "letter on the hill" idea is SO overdone in Utah, the Y is the best and biggest of them all.
Because I think it's ugly? Heck no. I love looking up at the Y while on my way to class. I just wish they'd light it up at night more often.
Because it's a friggin' long way up a really steep path that covers 1.2 miles and 1200 feet of elevation? Yep.
Around 9 pm last night, Megs found the bizarre (and extremely disheartening) itch to suddenly climb the Y.
"Kody, you wanna climb the Y with me tonight?"
"But you've never climbed it before!"
"You're right, and I've been going to BYU for 3 years now. Do you think that's by accident?"
"You're a bum. Let's go."
So off we went into the dark, and climbed the Y. Thank goodness it was night, or otherwise I might have melted right into the mountain. 40 minutes later, we were at the top and looking out over Provo. It was really cool actually, and I must admit, was definitely worth doing once. So thank you Megs. Thanks for dragging my lazy behind all the way up that mountain. :)
You can read Megs' version of the story here.
Please leave your "Climbing the Y" experiences in the comments below!
Posted by Kodison at 10:32 PM 5 comments
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Moving Right Along...
In the famed words of Kermit the Frog, things have been "moving right along" for us here in the Valley of Ootah, with emphasis on the moving part. After a blissful 16 months, we finally left our first little slice of heaven in south Provo.
Yes, we were very sad to leave, but all good things must come to an end and thus, we gapped it out of the little brick house that was. We moved out the 28-30th of April, and then went straight to San Jorge with our friends Randria (Randy and Andria) to unwind the winding of finals weeks and moving. We swam, played games, swam, slept, swam, played golf, swam some more, played tennis and then swam one last time. The weather was great, the company was even better, and even though both Megs and I managed each to throw up once during the trip, it ended up being a huge success. :)

The weather has finally turned mild, bringing yet another summer of golf! I've only gotten out and played three times so far, with my best score on 9 being a decent 45. I'm hoping to get down to 40 this summer (I shot a 39 once last year) so I'll keep errbody updated as to how my golf game is (or isn't) going.
***While you're in the blogging spirit, don't limit yourself to just reading my ramblings here... if you do, you'll be missing out on some BIG PRIZES over on Megs' blogs! You can enter the sweepstakes by going here, which will eventually lead you to the actual prize giveaway here.
Last but not least, the new Dan Brown movie Angels & Demons is coming out tomorrow, starring my actor bff Tom Hanks, and I couldn't be more excited. I'll have a full review of the spectacle up on the blog soon after seeing it, so be sure to check back this weekend!
In Packers News: The NFL Draft was held April 25th & 26th and it could not have gone better for our boys in Green and Gold. The Pack took my top player (BJ Raji) with their first pick, and then surprised us all by moving up into the late first round to take Clay Mattews, a perfect choice for our new defense. Along with our top two picks, I was really pleased with the two o-linemen that we drafted (Lang and Meredith) and the full back we got (Quinn Johnson) is a real bruiser that will likely be starting week one. All in all, well done Ted Thompson. Very well done.
Also, Brett Favre might be coming back to play for the Viqueens. Say it ain't so, Brett.
Posted by Kodison at 10:05 PM 1 comments
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Kodison the Intern...
With my graduation date quickly approaching (April 2010, I hope), I decided that it was time I got past the books, quizzes and final exams and finally got into the "meat and potatoes" of kick-starting what I hope will turn into my eventual career. What can I do during my last summer before graduating to improve my stock?...
Take more classes?
Heck no. I just finished nearly 8 straight months of that.
Do summer sales somewhere?
I don't want to be a salesman and did more than my fair-share of tracting on my mission.
Get a paper route?
Not a lot of room for career advancement, and I hate riding a bike.
Get an internship?
So I started applying. I sent applications to several companies; ExxonMobil (thanks for nothing Kimball), BP (no offense Kimball), the Packers (apparently they already have a GM, who knew...), Northwestern Mutual, Allstate, Johnson & Johnson, Wal-Mart, Intermountain Healthcare and a few others.
(Let it also be noted that I turned down an unpaid internship offer from Rocky Mountain Power. Something about the "recruiter" who contacted me just seemed a little fishy... love ya Father Sir)
I got a few emails and phone calls back, and even had a couple interviews. Even so, things were looking pretty bleak until a couple months ago when I got an email from a college recruiter with Geico (another one of my applications), asking for my transcripts, resume and a couple writing samples. Next thing I know, I have a phone interview and suddenly, they inform me that I'm in the final selection process for an intern position! Awesome!
I got a call back this past Monday to inform me the good news that of the 35-40ish managment intern positions across the nation, and the 4 intern spots open at the Tucson, AZ office, they are offering one to me! Can you believe it! I couldn't, and still can't!
I officially accepted their offer today and couldn't be happier. I'll be working with senior management in this Summer Managment Internship, which runs from June 1 to July 24. It's only 8 weeks, but it should be very fast-paced and I'm looking forward to learning "en masse" and making the most of every opportunity I get to show what I can do.
Here's the link to the official internship posting: Summer Management Internship
Who knows, maybe you'll soon be seeing my mug in one of these!
Any hot tips or "insider information" about internships that you'd like to share? Please do and leave it in the comments!
Let me say in closing that God really does have a plan for us. While getting this internship is just a small step in the long journey of life, it's a pretty big deal for Megs and I, and along with some of the other blessings that we've been receiving lately, it's obvious evidence of a loving God who is watching over us, and caring for us all the time. All I can say is pray. Pray lots and lots. President Monson said at the last General Conference that "miracles are brought by prayer." I've made a real effort to be more sincere and fervent in my praying and the dividends are innumerable.
Aside: We can't wait for little Andrew to arrive! We're so excited for you Sonja & Kevin... We're all praying for you!
Posted by Kodison at 10:27 PM 9 comments
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
One Month Later... Crap.
Ok, so it only took a couple months for my New Year's resolution of blogging at least once a week to go down the tubes... But I'm back! And in a "what-have-you-done-for-me-lately" world, that's all that matters! Thanks to the wifey, I don't have much wiggle-room in terms of explaining what's been going on in "Provost" since I last posted on here.
As you likely already know (thanks to this), Kaycer, Jdawg and Ty-Ty accompanied us to the Draper Temple openhouse. It was awesome. The temple there is gorgeous and we had a blast hanging out with the coolest people in Utah. :)
Megs has also documented here, that we got to babysit little Ty while Jeremy "became a man" ('atta boy dude!), and attended Cate's 1st birthday party. We've had lots of fun playing with the chillins...
Lastly, Megs ran the Rex Lee 5k run the other week and I am SO PROUD. I got to the end of the race in time to see her truckin' around the track to cross the finish line in record time! That's m'girl! She's trying to convince me to start running with her, but as anyone who knows me well enough to be reading this blog knows... that's never gonna happen. But I'll let her dream. :)
Yet eventhough I hang my blogging head in shame, as Megs has quintupled my blogging efforts over the last 4 weeks, I hereby challenge you to a duel!
You beat me to the punch over the past month in blogging about our achievements and cool endeavors. Now it's time to put your money where your mouth is... :) How do you win? You get one (1) point for updating your blog, and an additional bonus point if you blog about something before the other does. First one to ten (10) points wins.
Game on.
Posted by Kodison at 9:26 PM 3 comments
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Day of Days
I've always been interested in learning about military conflicts (both past and present) and tactics, though I've never really thought of myself as one who would do well in the armed forces, or even survive for that matter. This past weekend a group of friends and I got together to go paintballing, as I figured that this would be the closest I'd ever be willing to get to the "real deal".
I can't remember a time when I didn't want to go paintballing, so naturally I was really excited, and boy oh boy, I wasn't disappointed!
We found a cool forested area in American Fork to play and "went to war" for a few hours on Saturday. It was so much fun, it's practically all that I've been able to think about since! I found this sweet army jacket second-hand so I'd "blend" into my surroundings and look the part. I can hardly wait to get back out there again and would highly recommend paintball to everybody! It can hurt a bit, so don't think that it's a pansy game by any means (not wearing a mask is extremely dangerous) but if you've got a decent pain threshold, you'll be fine.
Meghan had some fun shooting one of the paintball guns in our backyard too... of course she didn't get shot at, so she only got half the experience. :)
After paintballing, the Wife and I went to DéLeon Spa to get a couples massage (Megs' treat!). It was a little weird at first, since I knew that the "girl hands" that were rubbing my back didn't belong to my wife, but the masseuse was really good and soon enough we were both on cloud nine. It was kinda pricey, but we had so much fun, as soon as we can afford it again, we're going!
To round out the day, we drove up to Syracuse for a surprise birthday party for my best friend Craig. We got home SUPER late and were SUPER tired, but a day that starts with paintball, ends with birthday cake and has a massage in between has to be worth it, right?
Posted by Kodison at 11:30 PM 4 comments
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Calvin & Hobbes for the Soul
The Wife and I have truly never had a "real" fight. We seem to always get along and rarely even have disagreements of any kind of serious nature. There is one thing however, that threatens the peace and calm in our home on a daily basis.... the thermostat.
You see, since we are not well-off financially, I am more than happy to live in a house that is a tad chilly in order to save some "benjamins" on our gas bill. The wife on the other hand, is more adept for warmer temperatures, thus prompting verbal jousts as the following...
wife- "Did you turn down the heater?"
me- "No."
wife- "Yes you did, it's freezing in here..."
me- "No I didn't. Our house is just old."
wife- "Nuh uh. I turned it up past 70 a couple minutes ago. What's it at now?"
me- (looking at the thermostat) "Just past 70."
wife- "No it's not, you're lying."
me- "I am not lying. It IS just past 70."
wife- (after getting up to come look at the thermostat) "Yes you DID turn it down! It's at 58 degrees you liar!"
me- "I didn't turn it down."
wife- "Oh yeah? Well then who did?"
me- "Well if I had to guess... I'd say our future childrens' college funds must've snuck in and turned down the heat. It was either them or next month's groceries."
wife- "You're such a bum."
And thus goes our daily battle between warmth and utter bankruptcy. I'd been wondering as to what methods we might employ to contend with this crisis, and lo and behold... Calvin never fails me. :)
Posted by Kodison at 9:06 PM 3 comments
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Happy Love Day!
Wow... so before Megs came into my life, Valentine's Day used to be a pretty ho-hum event.
It's one of the best days of the year! Megs woke me up early Saturday morning and brought me into the kitchen where I found this waiting for me...
Hand-made love signs and cards, along with freshly baked herman for breakfast! Oh how I love my wife. Since I had to work Saturday morning and Megs took a test, we used Friday night to eat out at T.G.I. Friday's (overrated, clap-clap-clap-clap-clap) and then saw Pink Panther 2 (Steve Martin rules!). Saturday night, we went to our stake Valentine's Dance where we were in charge of photos, prizes and a few things, and thanks to my rockin' dance moves, we had a great time. ;)
To my beloved wife: I love you! Thanks for being my b-e-a-utiful "Valentime"!
For more details about our awesome day, check this out.
Posted by Kodison at 9:44 PM 2 comments
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Movie Review: Mall Cop
Megs and I attended a party put on by my work last week, and despite my low expectations, we had a really good time. We had a great meal at Magelby's restaurant and then went across the street where my company rented out a theater and we all watched Paul Blart: Mall Cop. Now I can spot a cheesy, stupid, wannabe-funny movie from a mile away, so naturally, my expectations for the movie were exceedingly low. The only hope this movie had, I thought, was that the main character Kevin James was pretty funny in other shows such as Hitch, or I Now Pronounce You Chuck and Larry... That said, I wasn't expecting to be pleasantly surprised.
But, pleasantly surprised I was indeed! Let's breakdown the movie and see how it fared when critiqued by the great movie-critic duo of.... Emerson & Kody. :)
Premise-Plot 4/5: The film is about a lowly mall security guard who is feared by none and respected by even fewer. During his shift one day, the mall gets held up by a band of crooks, looking to rob the mall, and it's up to Paul Blart, said mall cop, to save the day.
The plot didn't seem to grasp me all that much (although I was taken back a couple of times with unforeseen twists), but the premise of a mall security guard seemed to be inately funny and have widespread possibilities.
Post script: Actually I'm going to change this to a 3 out of 5 instead. This has nothing to do with Kevin James, who was phenomenal as Paul Blart, but rather the bad guys, who stunk. The main bad guy won't win any awards for sure, but really, it was his evil cohorts that really bothered me. Instead of just normal bad dudes with guns and outfitted in black-ops gear, the mall was taken over by a bunch of X-Games criminals who spent half the movie skateboarding, bmx-ing and freestyle walking their way around the mall. They got real annoying, real fast.
Acting: 4/5 Kevin James was straight-up hilarious in this flick and he made me want to re-watch his movies that I've already seen. The supporting cast was ok, some more entertaining than others (the bad guy wasn't very good), but the actors that had to be good were, and that's what matters most.
Kid-friendly: 5/5 I don't remember a single swear word nor inappropriate remark or scene, so the kiddies should enjoy this one too. Although just to cover my bases, if you see it and there are bad words or anything of the like, I disavow all knowledge of said "despicability" (despicable thing) and hereby abslove myself from any responsibility thereof. ... but really, you should be good. :)
Funniness: 4/5 I really, really wanted to give this one a 5, but because a lot of the humor is "stupid humor", I just couldn't bring myself to give it the full score. In its truest form though, funniness according to the dictionary "causes amusment or laughter", and there was plenty of both in that theater.
Overall: 4/5 Again, I'm not going to add this to my list of all-time favorites, but it's a really fun show that's certainly worth seeing once.
Here's a trailer for the movie:
Posted by Kodison at 12:48 PM 2 comments
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
New Year, New Haircut, New Blog
So I overheard someone saying that it's 2009... Well, with new beginnings come new hairdos!
This means no more of this...
Or even this...
And lots more (or less, depending how you wanna look at it) of this...
I hope your happy Mum ;). Yep, I done-got me a haircut. And actually, I dig the new do'... We'll see how long it lasts. In other news since my last post, Christmas was good, I didn't flunk any classes, Megs and I learned how to make sushi, Obama is President, the Packers are switching to a 3-4 defense AND... I've made a few New Year's resolutions. (Additional details found here)
"Now Kody, it's already February... isn't it a little late for New Year's resolutions?"
Ah ha. Oh the err of your ways.
Sure, maybe it's been over a month since everyone started on this whole "2009" kick, but what is a year really? No my dear friends and family, the "New Year" officially begins after the Super Bowl. Besides, the next 7 months feel like at least 12 without football anyways.
Thus I give you, Kody's Abbreviated-yet-Comprehensive-though-in-no-particular-order-New-Year's-Resolutions-that-will-likely-end-up-as-regrets... List.
Numero Uno- Blog fortnightly. Hence me typing, and you reading this.
Number Deux- Attend the temple monthly. Do I really need to explain this one?
numer trzy- Get an Internship this summer. Real-life punched me in the mouth when I realized that I'm graduating next year.
число п'ять- Don't miss class for any reason. (unless that reason is really good) I would guess that class attendance and good grades are postively related.
anim na numero ng- Attend a Packer game. Megs took me to a pre-season game in San Fran last August and it was pretty much The Funnest Thing Ever. I think The Funnest Thing Ever II would be pretty sweet too.
العدد سبعة- Figure out what we're doing after I graduate. Obviously, this one is related to numer trzy, but involves thinking/planning that's a bit more long-term. Recently I've found an interest studying health economics, and perhaps pursuing an MHA or MHSA degree might be just the thing I'm looking for. That said, I lost one of my slippers about 45 minutes ago... so maybe that's just the thing I'm looking for. Conundrum.
號- Be nice to Meghan you jerk! To be honest, I don't think that I treat Megs all-that-bad. I mean, I get stuff off the top shelf for her and let her drink the Dr. Pepper when there's only a little left. The problem is rather that she treats me so well. Really the only way to equate the situation is for me to sprinkle her path with rose petals where 'ere she goes. Anybody have a gift card to 1-800-flowers?
The-Last-But-Not-Least-Number-Nine- Share the Gospel with someone. This might sound pretty easy, but to you who question the difficulty of this resolution I give you two addendums. 1) There aren't many people in Provo who don't know about the LDS Church... especially on BYU Campus and 2) When I say "Share the Gospel" I don't just mean mentioning something off-the-cuff like "Hey there was this guy Joseph Smith who did something cool... ok bye." No, I'm implying that the act of "sharing" the Gospel would in fact have a non-trivial impact on said person's life and soul. Sounds exciting.
For personal reasons, I left some of my resolutions off this list (mainly because I've forgotten some of them already...). But nevertheless, this menu of goals, acheivements and events are wide-spread enough to give you an idea of what I hope this coming year to be. What are some of your New Year's resolutions?
This is somewhat of a trial-by-fire as I've never been big into New Year's resolutions before, but hey... I got a haircut, and that's a good start. :)
Posted by Kodison at 11:18 PM 7 comments